Table of Contents


Single responsability

Definition: A class should have one and only one reason to change, meaning that a class should have only one job. Ex: A class that calculates area of a shape also manages authentication, connection to db and rendering. WRONG! Problems of GOD class:


Definition: Objects or entities should be open for extension, but closed for modification.

For PHP:

public function sum() { 
	foreach ($this->shapes as  $shape) { 
		if(is_a($shape, 'Square')){ 
			$area[] = pow($shape->length, 2); 
		} elseif (is_a($shape, 'Circle')){ 
			$area[] = pi() * pow($shape->radius, 2); 
	return array_sum($area); 

=> Create an interface for all different shapes and make the method "area" compulsory

Liskov Substitution

Definition: Objects in a program should be replaceable with instances of their subtypes without altering the correctness of that program.

Interface segregation

Definition: A client should never be forced to implement an interface that it doesn't use or clients shouldn't be forced to depend on methods they do not use.

interface WorkerInterface {
	public function work(); 
	public function sleep();
class Worker implements WorkerInterface { 
	public function work(){} 
	public function sleep(){}
class Android implements WorkerInterface {
	public function work(){} 
	public function sleep(){ return null; }
class Captain {
        public function manage (WorkerInterface $worker) {


interface WorkableInterface {
	public function work(); 
interface SleepableInterface {
	public function sleep();
class Worker implements WorkableInterface, SleepableInterface{ 
	public function work(){} 
	public function sleep(){}
class Android implements WorkableInterface {
	public function work(){} 
class Captain {
	 public function manage (¿?¿?¿? $worker) {


interface ManageableInterface {
	public function beManaged(); 
interface WorkableInterface {
	public function work(); 
interface SleepableInterface {
	public function sleep();
class Worker implements WorkableInterface, SleepableInterface, ManageableInterface{ 
	public function work(){} 
	public function sleep(){}
	public function beManaged(){
class Android implements WorkableInterface, ManageableInterface {
	public function work(){} 
	public function beManaged(){
class Captain {
	 public function manage (ManageableInterface $worker) {

Dependency inversion


interface DBConnectionInterface {
    public function connect();
class MySQLConnection implements DBConnectionInterface {
    public function connect() {
        return "Database connection";
class PasswordReminder {
    private $dbConnection;
    public function __construct(DBConnectionInterface $dbConnection) {
        $this->dbConnection = $dbConnection;