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Resque is a Redis-backed library for creating background jobs, placing those jobs on one or more queues, and processing them later.




Resque::enqueue('default', 'My_Job', $args);

Defining Job

class My_Job
 public function perform()
	 // Work work work
	 echo $this->args['name'];

Dequeueing Jobs

This method can be used to conveniently remove a job from a queue.

// Removes job class 'My_Job' of queue 'default' Resque::dequeue('default', ['My_Job']);

Tracking Job Statuses

php-resque has the ability to perform basic status tracking of a queued job. The status information will allow you to check if a job is in the queue, is currently being run, has finished, or has failed.

$token = Resque::enqueue('default', 'My_Job', $args, true); $status = new Resque_Job_Status($token);


$ QUEUE=file_serve php bin/resque

Priorities $ QUEUE=file_serve,warm_cache bin/resque

Running all queues $ QUEUE='*' bin/resque

Running multiple workers $ COUNT=5 bin/resque


Similarly to the Ruby versions, supported platforms will immediately fork after picking up a job. The forked child will exit as soon as the job finishes.

The difference with php-resque is that if a forked child does not exit nicely (PHP error or such), php-resque will automatically fail the job.


Signals also work on supported platforms exactly as in the Ruby version of Resque:

Worker: PHP process that will run indefinitely, always monitoring for new jobs to execute. Pseudocode

while  (true)  { 
	$jobs = pullData();  # Pull jobs from the queues  
	foreach  ($jobs as $class => $args)  {  # For each jobs found 
		$job =  new $class(); $job->perform($args);  # Execute them  
	sleep(300);  # Then Sleep for 5 minutes (300 seconds), and retry  

Workers have to be started in the CLI. You can’t ceate worker through a browser, because :

QUEUE=notification VVERBOSE=1 php resque.php

nohup QUEUE=notification php resque.php & &: Daemon-ify the worker nohup: enables the commnad to keep running even if the user logged out

nohup QUEUE=notification php resque.php >> /path/to/your/logfile.log 2>&1 &
tail -F /path/to/your/logfile.log


when a Resque worker reserves a job it immediately forks a child process. The child processes the job then exits. When the child has exited successfully, the worker reserves another job and repeats the process. Resque assumes chaos => a job uses too much memory, a job delays

Thanks to Resque’s parent / child architecture, jobs that use too much memory release that memory upon completion. No unwanted growth.

With Resque’s parent / child architecture you can tell the parent to forcefully kill the child then immediately start processing more jobs.


A job is a written order to tell the workers to execute a particular task.

Resque::enqueue('default', 'Mail',  array('', 'hi!', 'this is a test content'));
// queue name, class name, arguments
// -------
class Mail  {  
	public  function perform()  {}

Locating the job

All your jobs classes must be discoverable by the workers. There’s more than one way to do that


QUEUE=default APP_INCLUDE=/path/file.php php resque

Track your jobs

All workers activities are logged. You’ll find in the logs:

Depending on your verbose mode, they come with more or less details.




Running worker on a queueu


command = /usr/bin/php /home/sites/myapp/prod/current/vendor/bcc/resque-bundle/BCC/ResqueBundle/bin/resque
user = myusername
environment = APP_INCLUDE='/home/sites/myapp/prod/current/vendor/autoload.php',VERBOSE='1',QUEUE='default'