Summary of "Cert Prep: LPI Linux Essentials (010-160)"
96% servers use Linux
Open source: code avialable for public use or modification, distribution under a license.
Licenses: 45% of github is MIT
Distribution: kernel + config + libraries + programs
OS differences: market share pcs (77 windows, 18 macOs, 2 linux)
Package installs and repositories: each distro has its package manager (.deb, .rpm(red hat, fedora, openSUSE). tar(universal, arch linux))
Package manager: deb (dpkg, apt-get, apt), rpm (rpm, yum, dnf)
Shell: program that takes commands form the keyboard and gives them to the kernel to execute
Bash: type of shell (there are alternatives like zsh)
Terminal: Gui window to access to shell
\ : scapes chars. echo "I have \$1200"
FHS: Filesystem Hierarchy Standard defines the directory structure and directory contents in Linux distributions. It is maintained by the Linux Foundation.
Character names:
/ : lash
- : dash
~ : tilde
Commands: ls, pwd, mv, rm, mkdir, touch, locale, hostname, date, uptime, df
Every single program in the UNIX/Linux system has 3 built-in data streams.
STDIN (0): Standard input
STDOUT (1): Standard output
STDERR (2): Standard error
pipe redirection (|): send data from a program to another.
file redirection (>): sends or gets data to/from a file
| : stdout to stdin
|& (shorthand for 2>&1): stderr and stdout to stdin
> : redirects to a file, overwrittes it
\2> : redirects errors to a file, overwrittes it
\&> : redirects errors to a file, overwrittes it
>> : redirects to a file, appends content
< : redirects from a file
user@bash: wc -l < myoutput
user@bash: wc -l < barry.txt > myoutput
user@bash: cat myoutput
2> : redirects errors
user@bash: ls -l video.mpg 2> errors.txt
2>&1: errors redirected to the stdouput (&1)
redirect errors to stdout and then redirect everyting to a file.
When Bash sees several redirections it processes them from left to right.
ls asdf.txt > myoutput 2>&1
the 2>&1 output goes to myoutput
-command > output
is just a shortcut for command 1> output
#! (is a script) /... (program executed)
# variables:
# $ip=....
# conditional expressions
# if [ -s filename ]
if [ -f "$filename" ]; then
echo "File exists"
echo "File does not exist"
execute it:
Foreground processes (interactive processes) – these are initialized and controlled through a terminal session.
Background processes (non-interactive/automatic processes) – are processes not connected to a terminal; they don’t expect any user input.
Daemons: A program that runs as a "background" process (without a terminal or user interface), commonly waiting for events to occur and offering services.
The Init Process (/sbin/init): The parent of all processes on the system, it’s the first program that is executed when the Linux system boots up.
pid (process id), ppid (parent pid), ps, top (interactive updating view of ps), free (check free ram)
Kernel ring buffer (/var/log/dmesg) : is stored on memory (dmesg). A ring buffer is a special kind of buffer that is always a constant size, removing the oldest messages when new messages come in.
DNS (Domain Name System) (Internet phonebook)
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol): Is a network management protocol used on Internet Protocol networks whereby a DHCP server dynamically assigns an IP address and other network configuration parameters to each device on a network so they can communicate with other IP networks.
Ehernet: Is a family of computer networking technologies commonly used in local area networks (LAN), metropolitan (MAN), wide (WAN).
Hostname: The name the computer gets
Netmask (Subnet mask): Divide the net on subnets. The masks determines all the subnet parameters.
Gateway: A gateway is a network node that serves as an access point to another network. A default gateway is the node in a computer network using the internet protocol suite that serves as the forwarding host (router) to other networks when no other route specification matches the destination IP address of a packet
TCP/IP : set of standards that underlie most modern network connections at the sw level
ip address ⇒ netmask ⇒ ip address(router) ⇒ ip address (dns server)
traceroute (track problems in connection)
test dns: host, dig, nslookup
shut down servers
enable a firewall
use good passwords
keep sw up to date
User accounts and groups
usermod and groupmod to manage users and groups
who: who is logged in the system
var/log/auth.log : all info about users
Ownerships and permissions
permissions for user, group and others
sticky bit